Wednesday, 9 February 2011

In the Jogging...

Hello Bloggers...

Here are the projects pending.  I'm working on a new show of stories "Storyteller 2011" for September (ish).  In practical terms this means having the work, the writing work, done by April / May, as I'll have to have them rehearsed and ready by September and, despite trying to clear away my schedule, other activity keeps jumping in the way.  That said, there are a number of stories that are sitting on the back burner, or I'm working on at the moment.  Working titles only, so don't expect subtlty.

List of stories in the jogging...

1. Encounters with Trolls of the Northern Line - this is probably going to be too long.  I started writing up my notes on it the other day and after too much activity they come to nearly 7000 words.  And that's before the ideas behind those notes get expanded and turned into character and action. That said, beyond the slightly naff title, quite happy with this one.  More on that in a future blog.

2. Much Like... - can't say too much about this one, it's a trick story, so I can't give away too much at this stage.

3. Database State - has been hanging around for a couple of years, and really needs to be written.  Sometimes you start on a play or story and get distracted and the poor thing dies of neglect.  It happened to a piece called variously Myth and The Fingers of Fate.  Do what I would, it never became a piece of work, just a mess.  But that was a very different piece, the idea behind this one is simpler.  It's about a person battling against modern technology to the point of absurdity.

4. The Fall of the Gods of Commerce - actually a piece that doesn't feature mythical creatures or any fantasy element.  It is interesting how often gods turn up in my work, if only to prove they don't exist in real life.  However, this is a more disjointed work, and I don't know where it is going.

5. Molly: the ongoing adventures of... - I wrote a little story called Bink! a couple years back, and it is one of my favourites.  It's a childs tale, but not a childrens story, and I would like to see whether there are more Molly stories to come.  My second attempt has so far been put to one side, let's see where it is at.

6. Sleep Inc. - which came to me all in one go the other day.  Very short, but rather fun.

All or none of these stories may appear in Storyteller 2011, we shall see.  I'll start sharing a new bit in my second video blog - out on Valentines Day. 

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