Milk Bottle Productions Presents...
The Summoning of Everyman
Adapted and performed by Robert Crighton with Simon Nader
Everyman has been summoned by Death to meet his maker - and he doesn't want to go. This interactive performance brings his struggle directly to the audience, asking them to become part of the story, to stand in the footsteps of Fellowship, Good Deeds and even Death himself. Will you help Everyman make his peace?
Previous audiences have said of the show: “A one man tour de force... gripped from start to finish... a mix of pathos and humour all done with a light touch... a real privilege and honour being there... having volunteered, with no acting experience whatsoever, was guided expertly throughout by Robert... an hour very well spent... I’ve come to see it again! What more do I need to say? In awe of the intensity!”
The Bread and Roses Theatre, Clapham
Tuesday 8th to Saturday 12th August at 7.30pm
Tickets available here -
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