I've finally finished editing and producing the last audio version of Fantasy Terrorist plays, The Project After. The previous two plays were online the other year, but the last has taken longer, partly because I wanted to get the original cast together, but also because there was another version online and that took any sense of urgency out of the equation.
I am now working on creating a whole new sequence of works that will play around the world of the War on Terror, so finishing this trilogy seemed important. Each play can be listened to separately, or together, they exist on their own, but there are little links between each. Ideally start with Fantasy Terrorist League, then Keynote Speaker and then The Project After acts as a little coda.
Thanks to the original cast, Keith Hill and Simon Nader, for recording this on location one very windy day this spring.
The Project After by Robert Crighton
With Keith Hill as Mark and Simon Nader as Art
Fantasy Terrorist League - written and performed by Robert Crighton
Keynote Speaker - written by Robert Crighton
With Simon Nader as Sir John Spencer
The Project After - by Robert Crighton
Alternative version by Frequency Theatre (External Link) - http://www.frequencytheatre.co.uk/play/the-project-after/
A Little Learning - by Robert Crighton
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