Thursday, 16 June 2011

The Natural History of Publishing - Part One

Tomorrow I'll post a few more details about the cast - but today let's talk books.
For three years now I've been publishing my plays whenever there is a signification production.  This has been an interesting exercise, when you work on the scale of theatre that I do.  It has many benefits.  It raises a little extra revenue (not a lot, but a little), it spreads the word a little further and it forces me to stop re-writing the play (to the joyous relief of the cast).  There is a cut off point where the script is locked - where I cannot change it.
I would love to say it works.  It doesn't.  What happens is I scale down the level of changes.  Rather than say, completely changing a scene, I will only change to odd word, turn of phrase or make the odd cut.  (Cuts are not rewrites - they are the directors revenge.)  So The Natural History of Trolls is locked.  My last changes were sent on Monday to the cast.  And it is this book which is on sale. 

You can buy it now - at - where it retails at £9.99 plus p+p, or for much less if you download it to your kindle.  Yes, Milk Bottle is e-friendly. 
The easiest (and cheapest) way to buy the play is to come to the show - where we will sell it to you for only £5.  Nearly half price.  Over half price if you include postage.  But numbers are limited, so if you want a copy you can reserve one by email - just send me your name to and it'll be waiting at the show.  Which you will have to buy a ticket to see.  Which perhaps ruins the cheapness angle.  But it's a great show - so you won't be agrieved.  Buy Tickets Here!

And here is the book.  With authentic painting on the front.  I'd say I'm a great painter - but that would be a lie.  I took a picture of a penguin, traced it out and then essentially did a painting by numbers job.  But it's very relaxing.  I recommend it.

Any day now the books will all arrive and I will be terrified that there's a typo somewhere.  I am more careful about such issues these days - there is a story about Teaching Gods and the omnipresent travelling n, which I'll tell in a future blog.

Ultimately the reason why I do the publishing thing is the play has a life of it's own after the show ends.  Again, this happened with Teaching Gods which was put on by an actor called Colin, who is now in cast of Trolls - so you'll hear all about him next week.  Publishing adds another dimension and introduces me to lots of new and interesting people.
Now, I think I'm going to go away and paint a penguin.

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